As part of @Seedgrowth core services in Go To Market Strategy and Distributor Management, we are proud to share our partnership to expand successfully @Ritter Sport in France.
This was achieved in 3 consecutive steps :
- Identify and engage with a top-class distributor partner to cover both Impulse & Retail channels : @Solinest !
- Build the commercial plans accordingly to launch, grow & win sustainably
- Launch first in Impulse channel in 2023 and then in Retail as of March 24
Willing to know more about our capabilities and achievements ? Wishing to expand your brand internationally or in specific channels? Don’t wait and reach out to us !
#GoToMarketstrategy #DistibutorManagement #retailexpansion #growthmindset #routetomarket #omnichannel #businessdevelopment #exponentialgrowth #cpgbrands